The default configuration of the device is generally suitable for most urban settings. For those in rural areas or places with specialized equipment, consulting the guide may enhance your detector's performance. Conveniently, in many instances, the device is ready to use straight out of the box. With time and a deeper understanding of its operation, you have the flexibility to modify the settings to your preference.

Note that you can easily configure settings using our Drive Smarter app, once your detector is connected. Or, if you prefer, you can access the programming menu via the detector buttons. Please consult your manual for details on the manual programming process.

The following information applies to the Redline 360c portable detector models; however, it may apply to other detectors as well.

Sensitivity Modes

The Redline 360c comes equipped with Auto, AutoNoX, AutoLoK and Highway modes. These sensitivity modes are available to quickly change some key parts of your detector's tuning and general sensitivity without having to dig into the more advanced settings covered below. All four sensitivity modes will respect your Band Settings to varying degrees.

AutoThis mode will modulate your detector's sensitivity based on the speed of your vehicle, utilizing its onboard GPS. If you are driving in areas where there are more false alert sources, and you tend to drive at a slower pace, such as in a town or city, one of the Auto modes is likely to reduce false alerts.
AutoNoXThe same as Auto, but it blocks all X Band alerts.
AutoLoKThe same as Auto, but it greatly reduces K Band sensitivity.
HighwayMaximum sensitivity. Use this if you want maximum detection performance, such as when driving on a highway where you may find yourself often slowing down or speeding up suddenly, or where you are more likely to encounter speed traps.  This high level of sensitivity with minimal filtering can contribute to more false alerts, so take that into consideration when choosing.

Band Settings

Note: In some cases, we suggest turning off portions of bandwidth to help reduce false alerts. While this can be very beneficial, there is always some risk that an officer you encounter will be using that frequency. While the suggestions we make will not generally be an issue, it's something to bear in mind.

X Band
Covers the 10 GHz frequency range. In police radar, X Band is the oldest technology, and its use is limited. In an urban center, many X Band alerts are false alerts. If your primary driving is done in an urban center (a large town, or any sized city), rather than turn this off you might want to consider setting your detector to AutoNoX sensitivity by pressing the SEN button.
K BandCovers the 23.950 to 24.250 GHz frequency range. K Band is the second oldest technology, and its use in urban centers is diminished but it is still in use. False alerts from K Band primarily stems from automatic door openers, traffic sensors, and other vehicles using it for their Collision Avoidance Systems.

K Band is also divided into 4 narrow bands, each covering a portion of the spectrum. If you are having problems with false alerts from other vehicles and using AutoLoK is not solving your problem, try enabling segmentation to filter out some of those false alerts. To do this first turn off K band, then turn on K Band Narrow 1, Narrow 2, and Narrow 3, but turn off K Band Narrow 4.

Ka BandCovers the 33.400 to 36.000 GHz frequency range. Ka Band was introduced more recently and is in widespread use, and we divide it into 10 Narrows for better blocking of false alerts. By default, the Ka Superwide/Ka Band is turned off, and Ka Narrows 2, 5, and 8 alone are turned on. You might find that in your area you'll need different narrows to be turned on. If you're experiencing false alerts on the Ka Band after turning on additional bands, try changing this back to the default settings.  
Note: If reducing the narrows does not help, check to ensure that your TSR and K Notch are enabled. Please read on for further details about those settings.
LaserThis commonplace speed detection technology is based on LIDAR and is used in most moderate to large cities, as well as most major highways. It's recommended that you leave this turned on and turn it off only if there is good cause. For more information about false laser alerts, please see the following article: Laser Falsing
POPThis is an instant-on technology that is an attempt to thwart radar detectors by sending out rapid bursts of random Ka or K Band radar. Is not in widespread use and is not used to issue tickets (legally). We recommend leaving this off to avoid false alerts, unless you're certain that it is being used in your driving area.
TSRStanding for "Traffic Sensor Rejection", this will turn off alerts from known non-threats such as speed limit signs that only give you information about your speed. Leave this turned on for reduced alerts on the K Band.
Mesta FusionThis is a type of red-light camera. It is making inroads into use in North America, but it is not in widespread use as yet. You can turn off Mesta Fusion if you don't believe there are Mesta Fusion cameras in your area, which will help to eliminate false alerts.
MultaRadar CD/CTOlder and newer versions of the same technology, these are either stationary or mobile speed cameras that can be set up anywhere (mounted on poles, in mobile vans, etc.). To reduce false alerts, you should disable this setting unless you know for certain that you have these cameras in your driving area. They are not in widespread use, so you're unlikely to encounter them. Typically, people living in cities using them (more common in Canada), will be aware of them.
K NotchThis is not in the Band Settings, but it does affect the K Band. This will further blunt the sensitivity of the detector's K Band sensor. If nothing else works, try enabling this to aid in reducing the alerts.

Factory Restore

If none of the above helps, or you want to start from scratch, you can restore your Factory Settings for the current version of the firmware. This will not erase your saved, Auto Learned, or Defender Database locations.

To factory restore a Redline 360c, start with it powered on in your vehicle. Unplug it from power at the side of the detector. While it's unplugged, press and hold MRK and BRT at the same time. Keep those buttons held while plugging in the power cable. Continue to hold them until the detector tells you that factory settings have been restored.